An iconic creature stands in the river.

Elephants, Iconic Creatures

Iconic Animals

Elephants are one of the most iconic animals in the world. They are the largest land mammals on the planet and have been an essential part of many cultures for centuries. Did you know that elephants can eat up to fifty tons of food each year? Imagine what that food bill must be. As an elephant sanctuary in Thailand, we can tell you first hand, expensive!

Elephants have unique physical characteristics, complex social structures, and fascinating behaviors that make them beloved creatures. Elephants are easily recognizable by their large ears, long trunks, and bulky bodies.

The African elephant is the largest of the two species, with males reaching up to 11 feet tall and weighing up to 13,000 pounds. Asian elephants are slightly smaller, with males reaching up to 10 feet tall and weighing up to 11,000 pounds. All elephants have thick skin that helps protect them from the sun and other elements.

In the wild, elephants live in large social groups called herds. Herds are usually headed by a matriarch, an older female that guides and protects the other members of the herd. Elephants communicate using low-frequency sounds that can travel long distances, as well as body language and scent. They also have an impressive memory, and can recognize members of their herd after many years of separation.

Elephants are herbivores and consume a variety of plants and fruits. They can travel up to 30 miles a day. Did you know elephants love to swim and cool off in the river?

Iconic Creatures