Elephant Tours in Chiang Mai

Ultimate Guide to Elephant Tours in Chiang Mai, Thailand


Chiang Mai, located in northern Thailand, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Elephant tours in Chiang Mai are perhaps the most popular among the city’s many attractions. With its lush jungles and natural beauty, Chiang Mai provides a perfect destination for anyone looking to embark on an adventure with these majestic creatures. Seeing the elephants in Chiang Mai is a must-do bucket item. However, with many tour companies offering different experiences, it can be overwhelming to choose the best tour. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with everything you need about elephant tours in Chiang Mai.

What to Expect with Elephant Tours in Chiang Mai

Elephant tours typically last for about half a day and involve various activities. Upon arrival, visitors are introduced to the elephants and allowed to feed and interact with them. Then, visitors hike with elephants through the jungles and scenic landscapes. During the journey, visitors see the elephant’s natural habitat and learn about their behavior and lifestyle. After the hike, visitors can bathe and swim with the elephants or enjoy preparing food and feeding them. Elephant tours are an incredible experience, make sure you select an ethical elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai that respects and cares for the elephants properly.  

Riding the elephants is something we DO NOT allow at Elephant Freedom Project. We allow hiking through the jungles or along the river to enjoy the scenic landscape, which is undoubtedly a highlight of the tour, as visitors witness the natural habitat of these magnificent animals and learn about their unique behavior and lifestyle. After hiking along the river, visitors can choose to bathe and swim with the elephants, which is an unforgettable experience. Overall, elephant tours are a fantastic opportunity to engage with nature and have an amazing adventure seeing the elephants in Chiang Mai

Types of Elephant Tours in Chiang Mai

There are various elephant tours in Chiang Mai to suit different preferences. The most popular tours include: 

1. Elephant riding tours should be avoided at all costs. It is not ethical to sit on the back of an elephant. 

2. Elephant sanctuary tours – where you can interact with rescued elephants and learn about their conservation efforts. 

3. Elephant feeding tours – where you can hand-feed bananas and other fruits to elephants and observe them up close. 

4. Elephant bathing tours – where you can help elephants bathe in the river and enjoy watching them play in the water. 

5. Elephant trekking tours – where you can trek through the jungle on an elephant and experience the thrill of a jungle safari. No matter which elephant tours in Chiang Mai you choose, elephant tours in Chiang Mai offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you will never forget.

How to Choose the Elephant Tours in Chiang Mai

When choosing an elephant tour in Chiang Mai, it is important to consider a few factors to ensure a memorable experience. Here are some tips for selecting the best tour

1. Research different tour operators: Look for reputable companies that prioritize the welfare of their elephants and have positive reviews from past customers. 

2. Check the itinerary: Make sure the tour includes activities that align with your interests, such as feeding or bathing elephants, and the itinerary allows enough time to enjoy each activity fully. 

3. Ask about elephant welfare: It’s essential to choose a tour that puts the well-being of their elephants first. Ask about the company’s practices and avoid ones that offer rides or allow visitors to watch performances. 

4. Consider group size and guide-to-guest ratio: smaller groups and a higher guide-to-guest ratio ensure a more personalized experience and better opportunities to learn about the elephants and their behaviors. 

5. Dress appropriately: Wear comfortable clothing that can get dirty, and bring sunscreen, a hat, and insect repellent. Considering these factors, you can select a responsible and enjoyable elephant tour in Chiang Mai.

Tips for a Memorable Experience

To ensure a memorable experience on an elephant tour in Chiang Mai, consider the following tips: 

1. Choose a reputable elephant sanctuary that prioritizes the well-being of their elephants. 

2. Avoid places that offer elephant riding or shows, as these activities may harm the elephants. 

3. Dress comfortably and wear closed-toe shoes for safety. 

4. Bring a hat and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. 

5. Always follow the instructions of the guide and elephant mahout (handler). 

6. Approach the elephant slowly and calmly and let them come to you if they are comfortable. 

7. Remember that elephants are wild animals and should be treated with respect. 

8. Take plenty of photos but be mindful of using flash as it may startle the elephants. 

9. Enjoy the experience and appreciate the beauty and majesty of these magnificent creatures.


Elephant tours in Chiang Mai can be a once-in-a-lifetime adventure and a memorable experience. With numerous tour companies offering different experiences, choosing a tour that prioritizes elephant welfare and sustainability is essential. By following our ultimate guide, you can ensure an ethical and unforgettable experience with these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.